Christian Sportsperson
Study 1
Why does it feel like my faith and my sport are disconnected at times?
Study 2
In sport, so many people tell us to be concerned for ourselves...
Study 3
What are some of the reasons you don’t pray more for your sports friends?
Study 4
Why does my performance in sport affect how I feel about myself?
Study 5
What are some of the most frustrating aspects of sport?
Study 6
What motivates you to train, compete or coach in your sport?
Study 7
What was the most exciting conversation you have ever had about your faith and why?
Study 8
What is the best news you have heard this week and why?
Study 9
Why would you want to read the Bible with a sports friend?
Study 10
How does your sport impact your ability to be part of your church?
Study 11
Do you have authentic or superficial friendships with your sports friends?
Study 12
Can you imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t hear at all during sport?